telephone: n.电话(机)。 a dial telephone 自动电话。 a public telephone 公用电话。 a telephone booth [box] (公用)电话亭。 a telephone directory [book] 电话用户号码簿。 a telephone operator 话务员。 a telephone receiver (电话)听筒。 a tel
There ' s nothing wrong with a man telephoning his ex - wife 一个男人打电话给前妻不算什么大错
Enquiries revealed that a man telephoned the victim at about 4 pm , asking whether the victim was interested in buying an old tv set in an old style building on tsat tsz mui road 调查显示下午约四时,一名男子致电受害人,问受害人是否有兴趣到七姊妹道一幢旧式大厦收买一部旧电视机。